Noran Flynn – Chair
Noran has lived in Sutton Coldfield for eighteen years. She is committed to developing inclusive communities that have an ethos of mutual support and friendship. Noran is a Charity Director in Nechells where she leads on fundraising.

Liz Parry – Secretary
Liz has worked in the health and social care sector for over 30 years and has been an active volunteer within the local community, particularly with Highbury Theatre on Sheffield Road. She first became involved with The Library Lobby while a member of the Sutton Coldfield Town Council, supporting their campaign to save the town centre library. She brings experience in governance as a trustee.

Jenny Wilkinson – Treasurer
As a parent and Sutton resident, Jenny sees the important role that libraries play in the heart our community. Beyond their educational and cultural role, libraries are places where individuals gather to explore, interact, and imagine. Upon hearing of the plans to close Sutton Coldfield library, Jenny took immediate action in kick-starting a community campaign which became The Library Lobby and subsequently FOLIO. Outside of community activism, with her background as a Chartered Accountant she brings financial acumen to the team.


If you’d like to become a trustee, please read the Charity Commission’s advice on what’s involved and then get in touch with us.