Your agreement with FOLIO Sutton Coldfield in relation to contributing to Telling Sutton’s Stories.
You are invited to contribute notes, photographs, films and audio recordings to the Telling Sutton’s Stories project run by FOLIO Sutton Coldfield. By making a contribution on this site, you acknowledge the following terms:
The material you contribute will be visible to anyone on the internet.
Your name will be displayed with the material you have contributed. It may be indexed by search engines. We, FOLIO Sutton Coldfield, will not display other personal details such as your email address or other contact details.
We will keep your email address or other contact details securely in the UK, so that we can contact you about your contributions if necessary.
Your contributions can be deleted at any time if you request this i.e. if you change your mind about sharing your memories/photos etc.
We may edit or remove the materials you submit, at our discretion, for example to ensure factual accuracy and to meet our commitment that the site contain no defamatory or prejudicial comments. Please think of others when you add content that might cause upset or distress, even if it is simply factual content e.g. headline grabbing stories from Sutton’s history. If living relatives might still be alive, please act in awareness of how they might feel.
When you submit materials to this site, you or the other copyright holders retain their copyright.
You warrant that you have the permission of the copyright holders to publish the materials that you submit to this site. Please note that in general, copyright in photographs and artwork rests with the original photographer or artist or their heirs, who might not be the possessor of the work.
You should name the photographer of any photo or the artist of a photographed art work, in the caption of the photo, unless they ask you not to.
By contributing to this website you permit us to display and reference your contributions, as long as it is for for non-commercial purposes and with attribution to you, in a variety of ways, not limited to, but including:
-On the Telling Sutton’s Stories site on the internet;
-In social media;
-In talks, presentations, and exhibitions;
-In printed and online marketing materials for the project.
We would ask you to be cautious about adding memories/information about any living person (including yourself). If you name living people in your contribution, please make sure you have their permission to do so.
FOLIO Sutton Coldfield is fully committed to compliance with GDPR requirements. You can read FOLIO Sutton Coldfield’s Privacy Statement by clicking this link.