Shakespeare’s Sutton: the old and the new
Vesey Gardens Mill Street, Sutton ColdfieldThis short walk, led by Dr Mike Hodder, around part of Sutton Coldfield town centre will describe the town as Shakespeare might have seen it.
Booking essential.
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This short walk, led by Dr Mike Hodder, around part of Sutton Coldfield town centre will describe the town as Shakespeare might have seen it.
Booking essential.
Come and play in the children’s Shakespeare corner in the library. Dressing up, puzzles, games and more all linked to Shakespeare. Why not borrow a book at the same time, or join the library if you’re not already a member.
Shakespeare in Sutton has been made possible thanks to generous support from several funders and many volunteers and supporters in kind.
We are especially grateful for grants from the Royal Sutton Coldield Town Council, Active Arts – Sutton Arts Forum, Magic Little Grants and Making a Difference Locally.
Our thanks go to a generous private benefactor.
We also acknowledge our gratitude to the very many FOLIO supporters who have helped in a whole variety of ways, including Kerry Osbourne, Csilla Vass, Tyndallwoods, Ann Marie Howden, Najm Clayton, Charles Mundye, Mike Hodder, Jane McArdle and Rachel Hunter Rowe (Mrs History), Stella Thebridge, Matthew Barker, Jaskirt Boora, Joe Cook, Marian Baxter, Julie Rennison, Claire Marshall, Amelia Brown, Donna Spurlock, Melanie, Christina Brown, Faye Michaela, Sarah Stokes.