Last year FOLIO ran a very successful Flash Fiction competition, and we’ll be running it again in 2021. To increase the diversity of our judging panel we’re looking for a volunteer judge aged 18-30 to join our team.
The competition (aimed at adults, with a 250 word limit for entries, and pieces must have some link to Sutton) will launch last week of Aug/first week of Sept, and will close at the end of October. Submitted entries will be randomly shared with the judging panel and each judge will need to read their group of entries and whittle the selection down to their favourite 3 or 4 in their batch. The judges will then each share their top 3/4, and jointly choose a winner and runner up. This way no judge has to read all the entries, but the winner and 2 runners up are chosen collaboratively.
As well as being published in the Chronicle (the local Sutton paper), and on the Telling Sutton’s Stories project website, we are aiming to have the winning and shortlisted piece performed by an actor at a celebration in November (date tbc) and there will also be book tokens as prizes.
Judges will need to commit to reading a collection of stories at the end of October/start of November, and meeting with the other judges (in person or online, yet to be determined) in the first half of November. Judges are all volunteers but FOLIO will ensure it’s a fun experience. Judges will be invited to attend the celebration in November, but attendance isn’t an obligation if you are a judge.
Any questions? Please email Zoe on