Our next set of book recommendations during Black History Month come once again from library user and author Fadzi, a first generation immigrant Zimbabwean. This time Fadzi is focussing on suggestions for adult readers:
“For adults, I recommend the writings of Tsitsi Dangarembga and Imbolo Mbue. Ms Mbue had her book, Behold the Dreamers, featured on Oprah’s Book Club. I instantly fell for Tsitsi’s writing years ago when I read “Nervous Conditions”, however I wasn’t so enamoured with the sequel, “The Book of Not.” She has just released the third book in the trilogy, entitled, “This Mournable Body” and I will definitely give it a chance.
Next, there’s “The Measure of a Man” by Sidney Poitier – because, as it says in the blurb, “Here is Poitier’s own introspective look at what has informed his performances and his life. Poitier explores the nature of sacrifice and commitment, pride and humility, rage and forgiveness, and paying the price for artistic integrity. What emerges is a picture of a man seeking truth, passion, and balance in the face of limits – his own and the world’s.” I think this book would help readers of all races to better understand the challenges that even someone like Poitier has had to overcome in honing his craft through the years. I definitely found this an interesting read.
Trevor Noah wrote a book called “Born a Crime” which I can’t recommend highly enough. It is however slightly tainted with bad language, so he has also written a cleaner, more child-friendly version of the same book for readers who prefer a more palatable version. He is a mixed-race man born to a white father and black mother in apartheid South Africa at a time when it was literally a crime for them to have got together. He is now the host of the Daily Show in America. This is an absolute must-read.”
According to the Birmingham Library catalogues:
Behold the Dreamers is available as an eBook and to borrow from the Library of Birmingham
This Mournable Body is available as an eBook, with Nervous Conditions and The Book of Not available for reference only in the Library of Birmingham
The Measure of a Man is available from Sutton Coldfield Library
Born a Crime is available from Sutton Coldfield Library and the Mobile library (which stops in Banners Gate and Falcon Lodge)
Thankyou once more, Fadzi! We’re delighted to be able to share your book recommendations. If other FOLIO supporters would like to make book recommendations for Black History Month, please get in touch on info@foliosuttoncoldfield.org.uk