FOLIO Sutton Coldfield will be holding a special morning of events aimed at getting the very youngest of Sutton Coldfield residents hooked on the reading bug by inviting all under 2s and their grown-ups to a variety of free events on Friday 4 May between 10am and 12midday.

Drop-in messy play and baby story massage taster sessions will be running along side the chance to have a free photo shoot with a professional baby photographer . All babies/young children who join the library on the day will have the chance of winning prizes.
Zoe Toft, FOLIO Chair said:
“There’s masses of evidence that shows the benefits of reading with your kids, and reading with them from as soon as they are born, including increased bonding (making parenting that little bit easier!) and boosting language skills. That said, when my eldest child was born, I didn’t know any of this, and certainly didn’t really know how to keep sane with a tiny one, but discovering books together, and how easy, stress-free and enjoyable it was to share a story was well and truly life-changing. I wasn’t always a reader; it was through having children and finding out how helpful and how fun sharing a story can be that I became a passionate advocate of books, and by extension of libraries, and so this event has real personal meaning for me.”
Noran Flynn, FOLIO Trustee said:
“FOLIO are consciously planning events for all ages and all types of library users. News of our special day for the very youngest of library users comes hot on the heels of announcing our monthly sessions to help library users trace their ancestors and a session for the over 50s to help us plan the sorts of events they would like to see in the library. We’re also actively working on plans for events for people with additional needs; if you would like to help us in formulating these plans, please do get in touch.”
FOLIO look forward to seeing lots of brand new readers-to-be on Friday May 4. All activities are free and drop-in, though sign-up on the day will be needed for the photo shoots. If you’re coming for the event, why not consider also booking a table at our play-cafe, the Little Green Bookworm. You can book here:
A play co-ordinator from Sutton Coldfield Children’s Centres will be running drop-in messy play sessions tailored to 0-2 year olds, whilst an experienced trainer in baby massage will be offering taster sessions on combining stories and massage as ways to relax and calm your young child. Charlotte Christopher and will be taking photos on the day, emailing professional quality copies of the photos to participants to print off at home or through the service of their choice. Charlotte Christopher is a fully insured and a member of the Baby and Newborn Photography Association (BANPAS) who promote safe working practices in newborn and baby photography. She has been trained by the co-founder of BANPAS and treats the safety and comfort of babies being photographed by her as her absolute priority.
As well has having a wide selection of children’s books, Sutton Coldfield library also hosts a weekly toddler story time (Tuesdays, 10.30), and has a special collection for parents and carers featuring books “which might help”, covering a wide range of family and parenting topics.