FOLIO Sutton Coldfield proudly presents its latest initiative, made possible thanks to a grant from the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner’s Active Citizens Fund: a leaflet highlighting a wide range of community cafés across Sutton Coldfield. This is a result of a collaboration between 11 different community cafés across Sutton Coldfield to highlight what they offer; not only a welcome place for a treat, but also a wide variety of services and support making Sutton Coldfield a better place to live and work.
Zoe Toft FOLIO Chair said:
“Who doesn’t love a slice of cake and a cup of tea or coffee? It’s even better when you can catch up with friends (or make new ones) at the same time as supporting – and being supported by – your local community. That’s why FOLIO Sutton Coldfield, with its play-café Little Green Bookworm, has created this Community Cafés leaflet – to signpost many of the lovely places in Sutton Coldfield where you can support good causes and find out about different types of support available here on our doorstep.”
The community cafe leaflets are being distributed across Sutton Coldfield, and will be available in each of the cafes featured:
The Art Cafe
Cafe Oasis
Carers Cafe
Community Cafe
Harvest Fields Community Cafe
Open Door
Place of Welcome and Art Cafe
St John’s Pantry
Tea and Coffee at Second Thoughts
The Coffee Tree
One of FOLIO’s key drivers is to be part of a movement to foster an even stronger sense of community in Sutton Coldfield and creating the leaflet is one small part of this bigger vision. You can download an electronic version of the leaflet HERE.
Noran Flynn, FOLIO Trustee said:
“There are cafés listed raising funds for charity, there are cafés here run by volunteers and providing work opportunities for those who might find it hard to find employment elsewhere. There are cafés who are doing all they can to make Sutton Coldfield a more welcoming place by providing space for the community to come together for events and activities and we’re very grateful to the Active Citizens Fund for enabling us to spread the word about the good work all these community cafes are doing.. Why not create your own Cake Crawl and explore our town via the cafés featured here? Try out the cafes and let us know through Facebook or Twitter what you thought of your visit!”
Jenny Wilkinson FOLIO Trustee and co-director of the Little Green Bookworm said:
“There are so many great cafes doing their bit to make where we live better. At our very own Little Green Bookworm, not only do young families now have an amazing space to relax and play, every single cup of tea and slice of cake enjoyed ultimately helps support our much loved library. ”

Ben Birchall of Little Green Bookworm said:
“We are delighted to be part of the Community cafe initiative and commend FOLIO for all their effort in bringing it together. Every day we see mums, dads, grandparents and children spending family time together, supporting each other and having fun, essential ingredients in sustaining community life!”
Katie Hammond from the Art Cafe in the Direct Art Action Gallery said:
“We are truly honoured to be included in the Community Café directory. We feel that these welcoming community hubs are of such importance, helping to keep community spirit alive. This leaflet highlights how many wonderful local and independent coffee shops there are in the area, so why not support yours on your next trip into town?”

Miriam Godridge from The Coffee Tree at Duke Street Church said
“We are really happy to be a part of this community cafe leaflet, working with FOLIO Sutton Coldfield who have done such a good job in pulling together all the different cafes in the community. It just highlights what there is available for the people of Sutton Coldfield, whether older or younger there is something for everyone to enjoy.”