FOLIO is delighted to announce that you can now make secure charitable donations using PayPal to support our work.

FOLIO’s funds go towards putting on additional events and activities in the libraries in Sutton Coldfield and do not fund core library activities (which are paid for by Birmingham City Council and Sutton Coldfield Town Council). Whilst we are continually applying to grant-awarding bodies for the core of our funding, donations made by individuals go along way to covering the essential running costs of our charity. Whilst all trustees are volunteers and donate their time and experience, we have regular costs (such as insurance and website hosting) which your donations will help us meet.

You can make a secure donation to FOLIO Sutton Coldfield via PayPal by clicking on the button below:

FOLIO pays a fee of 1.4% + 20p (PayPal’s charity rate) on all donations made via PayPal.

If you would prefer to make a donation by cash or cheque, please contact FOLIO’s treasurer, Jenny, on

Secure donations via PayPal

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